One day I came to the QA stackexchange community from SO and what I noticed after certain time has passed that (except of the QA community is less agile than SO) people here ignore voting the questions. I couldn't get rid of this feeling and I tried to do some rough assessment. I took the most popular tag here and there and watched the "newest" questions which are of 1 week or of older age.
My sample was of about 100 items size (again this is far not representative but nevertheless) and what I got is that questions having zero votes in SO surprisingly fell in a close range to zero-voted questions in QA. However down-voted questions in SO take approximately 3 times bigger part than they take here in QA.
I believe down-voting is potentially quite a powerful mechanism of making the content better because often people don't even care of the basic formatting in their questions or just drop lines of code without any description. However I can see that people here use it very rarely. Is it considered a sort of bad manners in the community or there are some other reasons?